Betsy has been square dancing since 1952 and calling since 1962. As a full-time caller Betsy currently calls regularly for 5 square dance clubs, calls all programs from Contra through C-3B and is an accredited Callerlab Caller Coach.
Averaging approximately 300 dances/classes per year, in addition to her regular home calling program, Betsy travels throughout the United States & Canada for guest calling engagements, weekends, festivals, and callersâ schools. Betsy also is the featured caller for instructional videos produced by Square Dance Videos Inc. and sold by Gottadance Videos, and has recorded for County Line and Desert Gold Records.
Betsy is a former Vice-Chairman of CALLERLAB. She is a founding member of the Callersâ Council of NJ, a charter member of the Square Dance Council of NJ (and itâs current Chairman), and with her husband Roy, a member of the Northern NJ Round Dance Leaderâs Council and Roundalab.
In 2001, at the IAGSDC Convention in Vancouver, Betsy received the Golden Boot Award, for her efforts to bridge the gap between gay and straight square dance clubs.⨠In 2006, at the CALLERLAB Convention in Charlotte, Betsy received the Milestone Award, CALLERLABâs highest honor, for her numerous contributions to the square dance activity.
At the 2012 National Square Dance Convention in Spokane, WA Betsy was honored by the National Executive Committee for her Support, Devotion and Calling at the National Square Dance Convention 1963-2012.

Michael began square dancing at the age of 21 and started calling almost immediately in 1983. Dancers today know him for his high-energy, exuberant, and uplifting calling style; and his technical but âdown to earthâ teaching. Itâs hard not to have fun when youâre dancing to Michaelâs lively presentation.
During the 80s and 90s Michael called squares full time. He now works full-time during the day as a systems analyst. He teaches beginner level thru C2 weekly and calls for special events on many weekends. Michaelâs travel is restricted mostly to weekends now. Additionally, he calls 2-3 weeks in Europe every year and one week in Japan every other year. Michael shares the calling privileges for Tinseltown Squares in Los Angeles, teaching A2 and Challenge programs.