A lot has been going on during the past month. And you’ll read about them elsewhere in the newsletter, but I want to make sure you take special notice of some of them.

Peel the Pumpkin
What a great Peel the Pumpkin! Everyone I spoke to said they had the best time. It was a good weekend of fun dancing and getting to see friends old and new. And it was a financial success as well! Thanks to Bill Wolf, Michael Coan and Nick Martellacci for heading it up this year. Thanks also to the many people who made it a smooth running and successful event – Susan, Warren, Janet, George, Wally, Mark, Perry, Esther, Gabriel, Marshall, David, Jeff, Lester and all the others who contributed time, money, basket items and labor. Yellow rocks to you all!
And remember, there is no time like the present to sign up for Peel the Pumpkin 2016.
Assisted Listening System
We were having technical problems with our new Assisted Listening system, so it was unfortunately not ready for its debut at Peel the Pumpkin. But it is now up and working well. It was used on October 22 at our C-1 evening. Those who used it said it greatly improved understandability of the calls and that makes for better dancing. We’ll have it set up each evening for anyone who wants to take advantage of this enhancement.
Thursday Workshop/Dances
Speaking of C-1, we had a good turn-out for our first Thursday C-1 evening. Besty provided an excellent workshop for a number of problem moves and followed it up with an hour and a half of solid dancing. Even though each level only appears once a month, it gives us a dance opportunity we usually only get at fly-ins and conventions. Dancers from higher levels are welcome on all Thursdays as well. It’s a good opportunity to help other club members master a level or hone skills you may not be using much. Take a look at the calendar and join in on Thursdays.
New Website Address – TimesSquares.NYC
Many of you experienced a frowning face and error message when you tried to access the website during the past few weeks. Well, the problem is resolved and you will now find the website at TimesSquares.NYC. The new url not only solves the technical issue we were having, but tells the world that Times Squares IS New York City! The new website is still evolving, but has lots of good information so be sure to check it out.
Election Season Is Here
Mike Ryan is looking for a few good women/men to run for the board. The club is able to do the things it has only because of the hard work and dedication of a small corps/core of volunteers — the Board of Directors. If you have a vision for the future of the club and the desire and commitment to see them through, then consider putting your name forward for the upcoming election. Contact Mike Ryan at mike.t.ryan@gmail.com or talk to him at one of our upcoming events.