Kim Norland, President
Kim Norland, President

The calendar says it’s spring, though as I write this we are getting yet more snow. But regardless of the weather, seasonal events happen, and the cycle of dancing continues.

As we do every spring, we welcome new members on Times Squares into the square dance community. This year, we have 10 new members of the club. As archangel for the class, I would like to say that I think this group of students was the best and most fun to be with every Tuesday. They have been good students and I am sure they will be good members. As archangel, I didn’t get to dance with everyone as much as I would have liked, so I am looking forward to future club nights and dances for my chance to dance with each of them. So join me in congratulating Cindy, Eduardo, Freddy, Jeffrey, Joe, Joel, Jonathan, Keith, Paul and Steve! Look for them and ask them to dance. I know you’ll enjoy getting to know them as much as I have. Of course a great group of students is because we have a great group of angels to support the teaching and learning. They loyally came out week after week even when they only had a chance to dance a few tips. Yellow rocks to Larry, John, Stephen, Steve, Steve, Archie, Ira, Bill, David, Lester, The President’s Corner: Springing Forward Michael, Mark, Paul, Paul, Chuck, Julio, Jeff, James, Marshall, Thomas and everyone else for your help and support!
With Spring we also begin to plan our activities for the summer and fall. This year we are planning a number of dances to attract new members. Starting in April, we will have monthly events and we want to make them fun! Susan Gill has already begun the planning, but we need membership support to make them a success. In addition to attendance at the event, we are looking for members to help with promotion, refreshments and decorations.
We also need members to greet people at the door to make them feel welcome and answer their questions about Times Squares and square dancing. Please reach out to Susan to volunteer to help. But events are not the only thing we are working on. A revitalized website is in the works and we are expanding our social media efforts. We could use help with these projects as well. So if you have expertise in design, content management, coding or you’re a compulsive blogger, Facebooker or Tweeter, we want to hear from you. Please see me at any club night or combo dance or email me at Times Squares is your club! Please do your part to make it the best it can be!