Summer is just around the corner and we’ve almost finished switching into our new schedule. Advanced class and Challenge workshops will be ending soon and Todd Fellegy provided a great time for our last Combo Dance of the season. Club nights have begun and the IAGSDC Convention is just around the corner. But this time of year also means that the Board is actively planning for the rest of the summer and the fall/winter season. Many of you enjoyed the Fun Dance evening with Howard Richman held on April 14, the first of several we have planned for the summer. It was a tremendous success thanks largely to the efforts of Board member Susan Gill, who saw to the many details that made it a great evening.
Kim Norland, President
We will be having these events approximately once a month and would like to see you there. Not only is it good dancing, but they are an excellent opportunity to meet new people who are joining us through Meetup.
Also on the drawing board are some review sessions for people who have been away from Times Squares for a while, as well as events to regain lapsed members. We have also had requests for regular workshops during the summer to keep our dancing skills sharp. And of course, we will be deciding what classes we will be offering during the fall and winter.
So now is the time to make your voice heard. Let me know if you want to have a workshop or class, have an idea for a special event or would like to retake a dance level. It’s difficult to plan for you without hearing from you, so talk to me at Club Night or send an email to me at: