The dates have been set, the Hotel in Woodbridge has been contracted and the callers are hired. Now all we need is you!
PTP 2015 is October 16-18 at the Woodbridge Hotel in Iselin, NJ (same place as last year). The callers are Todd Fellegy, Nick Martellacci and John Marshall. PTP 2015 will be focused on the fun and fellowship we all share for dancing and the format will be in keeping with a traditional Fly In.
All the information can be found at our website, including a downloadable mail-in flier, and Hotel contact information. Please follow this link:
We are still soliciting volunteers for making PTP 2015 a success. Anyone interested in serving on the Chair Committee, coordinating volunteers, and working on PTP logistics, please contact any of the board members or send a message to
Thanks for helping to make Peel the Pumpkin a success.